8 Tips To Boost Productivity No Matter Where You Work From

If you feel pressed for time, you might want to explore different working options like a home office, coffee shop, or coworking space. Each working option has its own unique advantages and benefits. But regardless of where you decide to work from, mastering your productivity is imperative. 

Here are 8 proven ways to boost your productivity:

Have a routine and stick to it

It's important to have a routine, whether you're working at home or in an office. A big part of what makes the difference between being productive and unproductive is the consistency in which you work. If you can find a schedule that works for your life—whether it's early mornings or late nights—and stick to it every day, it will make a huge difference.

The best part about having a routine is that it helps structure your work day. You know exactly what to expect and when, which makes it easier to focus, which makes it easier to avoid distractions.

Break bigger tasks into smaller projects

One way that you can boost your productivity is by breaking big projects into smaller steps and then working on them one at a time. When you're feeling overwhelmed by the size of a task, try creating a list of all the different parts involved in order to help you get started with each one.

Don't forget to prioritize these tasks as well! This is especially important when you have an important deadline to meet. Make sure that your most urgent tasks are at the top of the list so that you can focus on those first.

Avoid multitasking

The myth that you can multitask is debunked by productivity experts, who will tell you that the human brain is not designed to handle multiple tasks at once. This means that when you attempt to do several things at once, your brain pays attention to everything but what it should be doing—which means that the quality of your work is compromised.

On the other hand, when you focus on one task at a time, there is no room for divided attention. This means that you are able to give your full attention to the task at hand, which increases your productivity and the quality of your work.

Take breaks strategically.

Taking breaks strategically is a great way to stay productive. This means that you should take breaks at certain times in order to boost your productivity. For example, taking a break every hour or two is a great idea if you want to stay focused and productive throughout the day.

You can also take a longer break after working for several hours without stopping—this will give your brain time to rest so that it can function better when you resume working.

Sloane Staffing experts recommend that when on break, it's important to turn off work mode. This means that you should not do any other work-related activities during your break. This will help to ensure that you are fully rested when you return to work and ready to give it your all.

Eliminate distractions

When working on important projects, turning off distractions can boost your productivity significantly. Distractions can take many forms, including social media, email notifications and other messages. If you want to stay productive while working on important projects, then it’s a good idea to turn off these distractions.

Learn to set boundaries with coworkers so they know you’re busy and won’t be interrupted unless it’s an emergency. This allows you to focus and breeds more room for productivity.

Leverage productivity apps

As technology evolves, many companies have developed apps that can help boost productivity. Some of these apps are designed to track time and ensure that you’re working on the right projects at the right time.

Others help improve your ability to focus by blocking out distractions and creating boundaries around certain tasks. If you haven’t yet looked into productivity apps, it’s worth doing so. You may find that one of these tools is exactly what you need to increase your productivity.

For example, an app like Asana will help you track your time, make sure that you’re working on the right projects at the right time, and keep your team on task. Other apps like Forest and Momentum will block out distractions by giving you something productive to do while they’re running in the background.

Ask for help

It is okay to get stuck on a project, and there is no shame in asking for help. If you are having trouble getting through a task, don’t be afraid to ask someone else for help. You can also reach out to a coworker or friend if they are able to give you advice on how they would complete the assignment.

This allows you to save time and get the job done more efficiently.

Set clear boundaries

It is important to set clear boundaries between work and personal life. While it may be difficult, try to avoid looking at your personal phone or computer when you’re working. This will help keep your focus on the task at hand instead of getting distracted by other things that might come up during the day.

Boundaries also come in the form of being honest with your coworkers. You should let them know that you are working on something important and cannot be interrupted. This will help prevent them from asking questions or trying to get your attention while you’re in the middle of something important.


The importance of productivity can’t be understated. It doesn’t matter if you’re in an office or working from home, having a productive day will make a huge difference in your personal and professional life. By following these tips, you’ll find yourself getting more done than ever before!

Takeaway: Increasing your productivity levels is key to success, regardless of where you work.


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