The Five Tech Roles Every Company Needs

As our digital universe expands so too does the requirement for talented people to maintain, fix, augment and expand it. 

As such, many companies are undergoing rapid Digital Transformation - that is, augmenting or adapting a business, service, or product to take stock of digital efficiencies, improve online access and services, and optimize a business via digital means. In the main, this comes down to companies doing one thing: taking legacy equipment and upgrading it. 

Take the humble data server. At one point not that long ago, most enterprises had in-house servers, managing their data flows, network access, and security. Now, the cloud is dominant: from outsourcing expertise, maintaining server systems, to reducing cost, the cloud model is not only affordable but desirable as a digital model of information storage and access. 

However, the reasons for these digital changes has meant the need for digital transformation to move beyond just the physical - it’s now behavioral, and the people powering this digital transformation, making the decisions to invest in them, and the workers adapting to take stock of them, need to change alongside it.

Companies are having to re-skill and retrain “legacy” workers, adapting and upgrading workers’ skills, expectations, and basic knowledge to meet the rising demand for digital tools to do more and more day-to-day work. 

Long gone are the days of raising tickets and IT Tech’s answering. The SaaS model of software provision; the cloud model of data access; data at the edge; the IoT - all of these modes of information gathering, analysis, and access mean faults cannot linger, security needs to be maintained round the clock and the systems doing it need to be as faultless as possible, immediately. 

For enterprises who have an established in-house tech team, or for those looking to develop their own tools, website, online brand and maintain it, you need to make sure you’ve brought on board the very best in their field to guarantee business continuation, growth, and success. 

Here are our top five tech roles every company needs:

Data Scientists

Data Scientists are your digital powerhouses of growth - these tech-savants are the ones who analyze your growing digital footprint and data gathered, and provide the basis for further business decision making.

Data science as a field of study is relatively new, when compared to programming, however, it’s rated as the 3rd best job in the USA in 2021, and one of the most in-demand roles in the country.


As mentioned in other blogs we’ve written, cybersecurity is a critical safety function of your company, but as the weight of data increases and touchpoints with services and brands increase, cybersecurity requirements will only increase. 

There are critical shortages of cybersecurity talent across the country, in government especially, and it’s reported that in an initiative funded by the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE), the United States faced a shortfall of almost 464,420 cybersecurity professionals as of July 2021.

Web Developer

Your web developer is the architect of your online success - they should be vaunted as the creator of your online persona and as such should sit central to your marketing, operations, sales, and leadership teams. They’re also the ones who step in when anything goes wrong, and as we’ve mentioned many times before, the proliferation of digital touchpoints means your web development is better-suited in-house and well versed in your industry and niche.

Computer Systems Analyst

As the world turns digital, enterprises turn to their data and computer analysts to make sense of it. Your computer systems analyst should be focused on productivity and growth - they need to sit alongside your web development and designer team in guaranteeing that every application, system, service, and touchpoint works as it should. If improvements can be made, they’re the ones to do it.

Software Developer

Your software developer could be the key that unlocks growth, as the applications that power our connected lives require a unique type of talent to build and maintain them. However, there aren’t enough software developers anywhere in the world, it seems. Despite the industry-breaking increase in base median salary for developers, the industry is looking at a huge shortfall in requisite talent to meet demand (with reports of the USA having a shortfall of 1.2 million engineers and developers by 2026).


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